Over the moon excited to share some FAB news with all my blogland friends! I submitted an article to Create With Me magazine back in September. And today I picked up the winter issue at Michael's. I was floored to discover that the article about Rebekah and I was featured in a 4 page spread. Wowza.
Now, I love each step on this art/business journey. Each one is a thrill. But this one... This one rocks more than usual. You see.... Rebekah and I have been through a lot together. I was pregnant for her when my mom was sick and dying of cancer. My baby kept me strong for my mama. Her name was the last one my mother ever spoke in this world... a gift she left to her unborn, yet already treasured grandaughter.
Then, after Rebekah was born, my psoriatic arthritis returned with a hideous vengeance. My body was wracked with pain, and I could not control my legs, arms, or hands. It was a nightmare. But my amazing husband took charge of everyone and everything else in our life, while I focussed on our baby. I needed pillows propped to nurse her because I was unable to hold her securely.
During those scarey days, I refused to give in. I stayed up nights with her on my lap, and learned graphic design and HTML. I started a new artistic career selling ebay templates since I was unable to create handmade items.
As time went on, and I was no longer nursing, I was able to return to weekly Enbrel injections. It took a long time for my hands to be limber enough to work again. But once I could, we set up my workshop area, and I began working on dolls and other prim items again. Rebekah was by my side day in and day out. She would sit at my desk, and pretty much run the show. She reminded me of all the joys and wonders in the little every day things, as only a little girl can. The more I discovered the little girl in me, the more whimsical my art became. (I say discover and not REdiscover because I think I left behind my childhood at about age 7. Thought I was all grown up, and wanted nothing to do with childish nonsense. What a goober I was!!!)
As the years passed by, Rebekah continued to be my #1 fan, constant companion, and contributing assistant. She would work in her own sketchbook, and always wanted me to use her work in my mixed media pieces. As this evolved, we worked more and more steadily together. And as you can read in the article, it was Rebekah who inspired the entire "Wherever You Are Is My Home" series we create together, and with the rest of our little clan :)
So... although every milestone is exciting. And every publication is special. This one is a gift to my heart, and I hope to Rebekah's. I can honestly say I would not be working at this artful dream without her inspiration and patience. And it's a dream come true to share this special Create With Me article with her.
Speaking of dreams come true. Remember my New Year's "resolution"? ACTION!!! That one little word has had big consequences in my life. Try it!!! Let go of everything that is holding you back. It's more than believing in yourself. It's moving forward, even in doubt. It's growing, accomplishing, learning, BEING all we are created to be. ACTION... a good word.
I also have a painting in the Somerset Studio January/February 2012 issue! So cool to be there among so many friends, teachers, and admired artists! I love, loVE, LOVE this online art community!!!

Congratulations! I'll look for it at Michaels the next time I'm there
congrats Linda! thats a great story. I will be sure to pick up a copy. I'm a serious magazine addict, but I especially love them when one of my bloggy pals is featured in them. then I go around telling everyone, "my friend is in here!"
makes ya feel like you know someone famous! lol!
have a great week Linda!
hey did I ever tell you that my daughter LOVES the print I bought her?
WhooooooHoooooo!!!! Yay for you! This is VERY cool indeed!:):)
This is so wonderful, sweet Linda!! It brings tears to my eyes, happy tears! You are such a wonderful Momma, opening this world of art up to your children and making them such a big part of your journey.
Give Bekah a Congratulations squeeze from me =).
I am so happy for you...I've watched you grow these last few years and saw the struggles too....God is so good and now we are seeing you blossom.... your sweet mom is proud of you, I know....
Girl... your artwork is fabulous. You've got some real talent!!
Congratulations on both accounts! Your artwork is sweet!
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