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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is that a cardboard cow?

*Snapsot Saturday...

All of my country and farming friends may get a kick out of this one...  We city folks have to make do with what we've got... LOL!
Hannah, Caleb, and Rebekah spent last week enjoying our parish's summer bible camp, "Son Harvest County Fair". It was a wonderful week learning all about the fruits of the spirit. They enjoyed the fun and games, the crafts, and the fellowship with all of their friends. But their favorite part was the visits to "Uncle Zeke's Red Barn" where they made their own homemade butter, cinnamon bread dough, and strawberry jam. And as you can see in the photo, they each had a chance to "milk the cow". Since cows are rare in these here parts... a cardboard cutout and dish gloves had to suffice. Bekah was so excited to show me her newly learned skill :)



Anonymous said...

How did you put the latex glove to stay in

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I have no idea how they did it. I never looked at the cow from the other side, so I didn't see any rigging. Sorry.



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